I like to write a lot and I'm trying to get better at it. I'd love to write for you - send me an email if you're interested in working together, or check out some of the things I've written:
On travel/food On issues On freelancing/coding
How to make fresh pasta
My recipe for homemade pasta + fun how-to video
What figs are good for
All the things you can make with nature's tiny, nutritional nuggets of complex flavour and texture
Shucking Oysters: It's Easier Than You Think
Host your next dinner party with oysters and make people think you’re fancy
How to have the perfect waste-free September picnic
Build one of these beautiful, delicious, environmentally conscious treats, and soak up the last of the warm weather.
Tel Aviv, on second thought: what to do
After living in Tel Aviv for a month, I have a few things to add to my first impression of the city - including suggestions on new places to eat and drink
Sweet, Sweet TLV
A Canadian tourist’s guide to Israel’s most metropolitan city
'Stupid, lazy millennials' no more
Anyone who thinks millennials don't care about the future of their country is officially out of touch - including reporters
Why I redesigned my website
A few thoughts on marketing yourself as a freelancer
You can be a web designer, too
It takes work & practice to get good at something, and web design is no different. It took me a long time to realize that.
So, you wanna be a freelancer?
This is a talk I have given for Bitmaker students in 2015 and 2016.
The Chronicles: Learning Web Development at Bitmaker Labs
I've written a collection of posts on my time as a student at Bitmaker Labs. Check it out if you're new to Ruby on Rails.
Week 5
Thoughts on software testing and diving into JavaScript & jQuery
Week 4
On building larger, more powerful Rails apps and on debugging
Week 3
On building our first Rails apps and a few thoughts on women in tech
Week 2
On taking the time to do the things you want to do, web servers, Sinatra, and building our first (very primitive) app
Week 1
On what we covered and a few thoughts on learning development in a classroom